Gulf Academy

Gulf Academy

Bynoe is the lead organisation for the creation and establishment of the Gulf Academy.

The Academy is described as a community-controlled centre of excellence to nurture young people in an environment (culturally appropriate and holistic) that focuses on the provision of quality education and training to support successful transition into adulthood and employment.

Educational and employment outcomes for young people in the Lower Gulf region are significantly below those of other regions. Many young people are forced to leave the region for secondary schooling, a practice which is consistent with policies promoting boarding schooling as one of the key means for closing the educational gap.  There is no senior secondary education facility anywhere in the Lower Gulf.  A high attrition rate and entrenched disengagement of such students has a major impact on the subjective wellbeing and life prospects of these young people.  

The Gulf Academy is about “Self-reliant adults capable of competing equitably for employment, business, educational and cultural opportunities within the region and beyond”.

It will provide clear pathways into employment and local industries which will, in the longer term, advance the economy and communities of the Lower Gulf

Work started on the project in 2021 and will continue for some years.  

For more information on the Gulf Academy contact the project manager Gayle de la Cruz on 0427 016 130 or email

Documentation relating to the Gulf Academy appears below.